U.S foreign Affairs Strategy in retreat – Iran Nuclear deal and Paris Climate change agreement

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U.S foreign Affairs Strategy in retreat – Iran Nuclear deal and Paris Climate change agreement


Globalization in the Age of Trump, should be welcomed, not feared. It is not in retreat but growing Global Political Economy Uncertainty, with respects to Trump’s Foreign Affairs strategy. Thomas wright, argued that Trump’s Protectionist ideology has three fundamental principles, and these are: – 1) his opposition to US Current Alliances, -2) his opposition to free trade; and –3) his support for Authoritarianism. Therefore, President Trump’s announcement and refusal to continue signing off on a landmark international Iranian nuclear deal, is evidence and confirmation of his opposition to his predecessor’s Alliances with rest of the world. The 2015 nuclear deal struck with the United Nation facilitation between Iran and six world powers, that’s with US, UK, Russia, France, China, and Germany,  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-41613314.

President Trump claimed that Iran had broken parts of the agreement. This assertion was in direct contrast and contrary to the UN, and the European Union’s views in this regard. According to Federica Mogherini on the 13th Oct 2017, she argued that the current deal with Iran is “working and delivering”, adding that the rest of the world would work to ensure the agreement. The EU’s foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini went on to say that there had been “no violations” by Iran and the EU remain convince that the deal could not be renegotiated, by any single member including the US. The U.S foreign affairs policy-maker also criticised Mr Trump’s unilateral action, contending the deal is not a domestic issue and is not in the hands of any one president to terminate.

According to Thomas Wright, this action placed Trump’s foreign policy in an ideological and historical context purely on Trump’s fundamental principles, which are contrary to the past Republican president’s international affairs beliefs since the 1980s,  https://www.brookings.edu/program/foreign-policy/. Therefore, since Trump is not totally rewriting U.S foreign Policy but merely attempting to reform it, he is a reformist. Perry, J & Perry, E (2009) argued that a Reformist, usually aim to make incremental changes to existing society. This is probably why Trump is proposing the America First Energy Plan, in which he intends to re-stimulate the U.S. fossil energy industry.


According to Pankaj, Ghemawat, July–August 2017, argued that Globalization strategy and practice had advanced well beyond the remedies those historical models would imply, and leaders would be ill-served by going backwards. Further emphasis regarding the Brexit vote shocked the European Union, and the news reporting about globalization turned progressively undesirable in the U.S. as Trump’s is elected as President. What’s absent in several debates today is the concept of exigency for a case-by-case approach when globalization-related change is appraised on its own merits as oppose to being subjected to some extensive sanction about whether to go forward and globalize or to reverse.  https://hbr.org/2017/07/globalization-in-the-age-of-trump.

Similarly, Jim, O’Neill argued in defence of Globalisation claiming economy inequality amongst civilised countries has dropped gradually in the past 20 years, due to China’s rise, in addition to economic development across Asia, Latin America and other developing countries. In actual fact, by 2010, the United Nations had achieved its Millennium development goal for halving poverty by 2015, and current forecasts suggests that, by 2050, poverty will be eradicated everywhere apart from Africa.



UN Sustainable Development Goal 13, on Climate change agenda http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/cop21/

In addition to the aforementioned:  Justin, Kuepper argued that Globalization Impacts International Investors in several ways, and some of these benefits includes: Foreign Direct Investment, Technological Innovation, and Economies of Scale have the inclinations to rise a nation development at bigger rate in world trade. Serving as an enhancement to technology transfer, industrial restructuring, and the growth for some individuals and the multinational companies. While the risks are, the Interdependence, threat to National Sovereignty and Equity Distributions, which benefits can be unfairly twisted to the rich nations or individuals? This in turn would create more inequalities and leading to possible conflicts both nationally and internationally. Perhaps these are the Global Political Economy Uncertainty, eluded to by Thomas Write with respects to Trump’s Foreign Affairs strategy, which can account for Trump’s Protectionist ideology. https://www.thebalance.com/globalization-and-its-impact-on-economic-growth-1978843.



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Donald Trump October 30, 2017, Biography, Editors, TheFamousPeople.com, https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/donald-trump-3378.php

International Labour Office (2005) Changing Patterns in the World of Work Geneva: ILO

Click to access rep-i-c.pdf

ILO (2015) World employment and social outlook 2015: The changing nature of jobs Geneva: ILO, 2015 http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—dgreports/—dcomm/—publ/documents/publication/wcms_368626.pdf

Obama B (2016) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72bHop6AIcc

Justin, Kuepper. Globalization and Its Impact on Economic Growth, The Balance. Make money personal. Updated June 19, 2017,

Jim, O’Neill. “Globalisation has made the world a better place” The guardian. Wednesday 18 January 2017 10.07 GMT Last modified on Monday 31 July 2017 15.09 BST.

John Ravenhill (2011) ‘The Study of Global Political Economy’ Chapter in Global Political Economy (OUP 3rd edition), pp. 3 – 19.

Kaldor, M (2003) “The idea of a global civil society” International Affairs, 79, 3 pp.583-593

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Pankaj, Ghemawat. Globalization in the Age of Trump. Harvard Business Review. July–August 2017 issue (pp.112–123).

Paris Agreement – Climate Action – European Commission”. 2017. Climate Action – European Commission. https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/international/negotiations/paris_en.

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By Adebayo Adeshina M00609152